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  • How does the Happily Ever After Hotline work?
    It’s simple! You select the perfect voicemail intro to match your wedding vibe. We provide you with beautiful print ready signage files to print and display at your wedding . If you would prefer us to print your signage and have it delivered to you, we can arrange this as part of our add on service. Next, your guests call in and leave heartfelt messages, funny stories, or advice. After the wedding, we send you a link to your own audio gallery to listen to all your well-wishes - All delivered to you within 48 hours. It’s that easy to create a keepsake you’ll treasure forever!
  • What’s included in the package?
    Our all-inclusive package includes: - Your own personalised 1800 Hotline number. - Select from ou unique voicemail intros, or work with us to make your own custom one. - Elegant Signage Files - Simply download, print, and display on your big day. - A link to your digital audio keepsake gallery of all your guests’ messages.
  • How do I set this up at my wedding?
    We make it super easy! After you’ve secured your date and made your payment, we’ll send you an Introduction Pack filled with a selection of beautifully designed digital printout files for your wedding. From signage to place cards, the options are thoughtfully curated to meet all your needs and showcase your hotline in style. Once you’ve chosen your favourite designs, we’ll personalise it with your unique 1800 number and supply you a download link for you to print and display at on your big day. We also offer as an add on to print and deliver the signage to your venue, so ask us about this if you would prefer. If you're happy to do it yourself, you can print the files yourself, share them with your wedding coordinator, or forward them to a professional printer for a polished finish. Then simply display them at your venue and let your guests know how to join in the fun!
  • How long does the hotline stay active?
    Your hotline will be active for up to 7 days after your wedding, giving your guests plenty of time to call and leave their messages. If you need an extension, let us know!
  • Is there a limit to how many messages guests can leave?
    Nope! Your hotline is open for unlimited messages, so your guests can call as often as they’d like to share the love.
  • How much time does each guest have to leave a message?
    Each message can be up to 2 minutes long. This gives your guests plenty of time to share their love, advice, or a funny story and... if they start to ramble on they just call back and continue, which makes it all that bit more funny.
  • Do guests get charged to call the hotline?
    No, the 1800 number is completely free for your guests to call! They can leave their messages without worrying about any charges, making it easy and stress-free for everyone to join in the fun.
  • What happens after I make payment?
    Once you secure your booking with full payment, we’ll send you everything you need—simple, easy, and fun! Within 24 Hours: Booking confirmed & Introduction Pack sent with voicemail intro options and signage templates. 30 Days Before Your Wedding: Your custom print-ready signage files are finalized, featuring your personal 1800 hotline number. 7 Days Before Your Wedding: Your hotline is ready for testing—one step closer to capturing unforgettable messages! Need your print files earlier? Just let us know! From there, you’re all set for a guestbook experience guests will love and you’ll cherish forever.
  • Can I test the hotline before my wedding day?
    Yes! You’ll receive your personalised hotline 7 days before your wedding, giving you plenty of time to test it and ensure everything works perfectly.
  • When do I pay?
    After your complete the form on our booking page we’ll send you a Starter Pack with everything you need to create a guestbook your guests will love. Inside, you’ll find an easy online payment link to secure your wedding date and unforgettable guestbook experience. By booking early, you lock in your date and give us time to perfect every detail—from your personal 1800 number to your chosen voicemail theme and elegant signage designs. Have any questions? We’re here to help—just reach out!
  • Do you offer refunds?
    We understand that plans can change, and we aim to make our refund policy as fair and simple as possible: Postponements or Cancellations 60+ Days Before Your Wedding: Contact us at least 60 days in advance, and we’ll issue a full refund—100%, no questions asked. Cancellations Within 30 Days of Your Wedding: Unfortunately, we’re unable to offer refunds for cancellations made less than 30 days before your wedding, as significant planning and preparation will already have been completed. If you need to reschedule no problem just let us know.
  • Can guests that cant attend the wedding leave a message?
    Yes! The hotline allows guests who can’t be there in person to still participate. They can call in from anywhere in Australia and leave their well-wishes and love for you to enjoy.
  • How far in advance should I book?
    We recommend booking as early as possible—2025 dates are now open. To ensure everything is perfect, we require bookings to be made at least 30 days before your wedding. If you’re booking last-minute, don’t worry—we’ll do our best to accommodate you!!! Secure your hotline today and make your big day unforgettable!
  • How do I receive my audio keepsake of guest messages?
    Within 48 hours of your wedding, we’ll email you a link to your own audio keepsake gallery with downloadable MP3 files with all your guests’ heartfelt messages, funny stories, and loving advice. The files are yours to keep and share. The link will stay active for 30 days providing you plenty of time to enjoy, download all your well-wishes. If you need to extend this just reach out and let us know.
  • What if I need to change my wedding date?
    If your wedding date changes, let us know as soon as possible. We’ll do our best to accommodate the new date.
  • Will the recordings include background noise?
    The audio quality will depend on your guests’ phone and environment, but we do our best to filter out excess noise to ensure the messages are clear.

Don’t wait to secure your
Happily Ever After Hotline.

Lock in your date now to guarantee a unique guestbook experience your guests will love and a timeless keepsake you’ll treasure forever.

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